
[外语] 俚语口语ZT




1. (one)can't fight city hall:
意思是说一般人想与政府或制度抗争,是很难获胜的。 (an ordinary person can not change the government policy or system) 过去美国的市政大楼 (city hall)是代表地方政府,而今天所指的范围较大,包括了美国任何的政府机关或制度。虽然美国人民对政府不满时,可以举着标语示威、请愿或演讲等等,但是要想胜过政府,可不容易。例如:

It is difficult for an individual to fight city hall and win.(普通人要想与政府机关抗争胜利,可不简单。)
When it comes to tax reform ,I can not fight city hall .(谈到税法改革,我是无法与政府抗争的。)

(注:city hall 在此做普通名词用,故不必大写)

2. to be foot loose and fancy-free:
意思是指一个人自由自在,无忧无虑或无恋爱对象。 (care-free person, one does not worry about things; not involved with anyone romantically)本来 foot-loose 这个字就是行动没有拘束,可以自由到任何地方。而「fancy」这个字,从前也是「love」的意思。所以 fancy-free,也就是意味没有恋爱的对象。 例如:

He is a foot-loose and fancy-free type of person.(他是一位自由自在不谈恋爱的人。)
After her divorce, she is now foot-loose and fancy-free.(她离婚后,行动自由,不谈恋爱。)
(注:foot-loose 和 fancy-free,通常是连在一起使用。不过也可分开使用。这句俚语可指男或女)

3. to kick the bucket:
意思是翘辫子;死了(to die or to pass away) 这句俚语很流行,据说在十七世纪就在英国使用。因为当时处死犯人时,要站在桶子 ((bucket)上,再把绞索 (noose)套在脖子上,然后踢掉桶子,绞索就会拉紧而吊死。(不过现在是指任何一种死亡的方式); 例如:

If he does not take care of himself, he may kick the bucket sooner than later. (假如他自己不多保重身体,迟早会翘辫子。)
Eventually, all of us will kick the bucket.(最终,咱们大家统统都要面临死亡。)(bucket 后面不加 s)

4. to be in the doghouse:
意思是失宠或遭受困难(out of favor or to be in trouble)老外是很爱狗的,通常把狗养在家里与孩子一起,当做家庭一分子。从前如果父母对狗不好,就把狗赶到外面的犬舍(doghouse)里,不准再进家里。所以这句俚语,后来也有一种处分或冷落的意味。例如:

As he likes to stir things up, he has been in the doghouse.(由于他喜欢捣乱,所以受到冷落。)
After he got married, he was in the doghouse many times.(他结婚后,多次遭到困难。)
China is trying to keep Taiwan in the international doghouse.(中国设法把台湾排斥在国际社会之外。)

His wife let him out of the doghouse.(他太座不再对他冷落了)(也就是他又受宠了)

5. to become (或 to be) labor of love:
意思是热爱工作,未必为了金钱而是为了自己的爱好或一种成就感(love to work or enjoy doing something, not exactly for money, but for a sense of accomplishment); 在圣经新约里有句话是工作为了愉快,不是为了利益,也就是「your work of faith and labor of love」。到了十八世纪,「labor of love」变成流行。因为许多人工作是为了兴趣,不是为了金钱。(也许还由于 labor 与 love 两个字的开头,都是「L」,使人较易记住。) 例如:

The scientist searching for the cancer cure must become labor of love.(寻求治疗癌症的科学家必须是热爱工作者。)
To come to work at six every morning must be labor of love.(每天清晨六时上班,一定是热爱工作者。)

6. to be in the limelight:
意思是引人注目或成为众人注意的目标 (to be famous or at center of attention); 从前没有白色的电灯,发光 (beam)是用 heating lime 造成。而现在舞台上都用强烈的电力聚光灯 (spot-light) 去照有名的演员。(因此与「to be in the spot-light」意义相同。) 例如:

Mrs. Clinton is now in the limelight because she is running for the senate.(由于柯林顿总统夫人在竞选参议员,所以成为众人注意的目标。)
I think the actress enjoys being in the limelight.(我想这个女演员喜欢受到大家的注目。)

7. to get (in) on the ground floor:
意思是参加某种事业的开始阶段而处於有利地位(to start a business or a project of get benefits from it.)。 这句话,也许来自企业界。任何一种事业,最好自己首先参加,努力耕耘,才能与事业一起成功。(ground floor 本是指一座大建筑物的入口处。进入後,可向前直往,广阔无边。)例如:

Many young entrepreneurs who got on the ground floor of high technology may have made a lot of money.(许多高科技事业的创业青年企业家可能已经赚了很多钱。)
If you want to be successful in your career, you may try to get on the ground floor.(如果你要事业成功,你也许就要参加事业的开创以处於有利地位。)

8. to give (one's) eyeteeth for (someone or something):
意思是指一个人很想得到某样东西 (to want something very badly) Eyeteeth 是指牙齿上下两边的上尖牙 (单数是 eyetooth)(据说其神经系统是靠近眼睛而得名)。这两个牙,系有 biting 和 chewing 的功用,所以很重要。假如有人想要得到某件东西,而愿意牺牲自己的 eyeteeth,可见是十分迫切的。例如:

In order to win his girl friend's heart, he has given his eyeteeth for her.(为了赢得女友的心,他已付出一切。)
To obtain a computer from his father, the boy gave his eyeteeth for it.(这男孩非常急迫地要他老爸给他一部电脑。)

9. to gum up the works:
意思是干扰一件事或反而破坏某人的计画 (to ruin one's plan or to interfere) 。这句俚语的由来,是因为从前许多机器,都要常常加油,才能运作自如。但是如果油太浓或黏性太高(too gummy),反而会使机器故障或停顿。所以才有「弄糟」或「搞乱」的意味。例如:

When he attempts to accomplish a project, he always gums up the works.(当他想要完成一个计画时,他常常反而搞砸了。)
Please don't gum up the works while I am working on my new plan.(当我从事新的计画时,请别破坏它。)

Don't put too much oil in the machine; it may gum up the works.(不要在机器里加太多油;也许会故障。)
(gum 本是橡胶或胶质。其动词时态是:gum, gummed, gummed)

10. to be (或 to get) in hot water:
意思是陷入困境或处於困难境况(to be in trouble or embarrassing situation.)这句话的由来,据说是因为从前女人如果遇到有人闯入家里 (intruder),就用热水把他赶出。一旦被热水烫到,当然就会有麻烦。例如:

After his remarks, he got in hot water.(他评论以後出了麻烦。)
Watch your p's and q's, so you will not be in hot water.(做事要谨慎小心,才不会遭遇困难。)

11. to get down to (the) brass tacks:
意思是基本事实或讨论事情的真相或实质问题(to talk about core of the issue or basics)。 这句话的由来,有人说是因为装置室内用品,如沙发、地毯等,最基本的组合工具是用黄铜的大头钉。(brass tack) 例如:

It is good idea to get down to (the) brass tacks when we talk about an issue.(当谈论一个问题时,最好踏实些。)
When it comes to educational reform, Let's get down to brass tacks.(提到教育改革时,应该谈些基本的事实。)

12. to be green with envy:
意思是羡慕或嫉妒 (to be envious or jealous)。 西方人往往以颜色描写事物。有时红色代表生气,蓝色代表难过或孤单。莎士比亚在他的作品「Antony and Cleopatra」里,也把嫉妒(jealousy) 形容为「the green sickness」; 例如:

Miss Lee was green with envy about her friend's promotion. (李小姐对她朋友的升级感到羡慕)
Being a bachelor for a long time, he is green with envy about his married friends.(当了很久的单身汉,他对已婚的朋友觉得羡慕与嫉妒。)

12. to go fly a kite:
意思是不要别人打扰或要人家走开 (don't bother me; go away or leave me alone) 。老外与人争吵时,或受到别人的干扰,往往带著生气的语气说:「去放风筝吧!」「去跳湖吧!」表示不耐其烦。当然这是不礼貌,少用为妙。 (这与「go jump in the lake」意同) ; 例如:

Why don't you go fly a kite! (你怎么不滚开!)
He bothered me all the time, so I told him to go jump in the lake. (他一直在打扰我,所以我叫他走开。)
(注:「go fly」…「go jump」…两个动词在一起,本来不对,中间应加 to,但这是俚语,是不必合文法的。)

14. to get the lead out of (one's) feet (或 pants):
意思是动作迅速,没有沉重如铅的步伐 (to hurry up or to move quickly); 这句话,在二次世界大战时美军最常用。他们认为如果动作太慢 (sluggish),就像脚上挂著重铅 (lead) 一样,所以要把重铅去掉,动作才会快速。例如:

We are going to be late; get the lead out of our feet! (我们要迟到了,动作快些吧!)
Get the lead out of your feet; don't procrastinate!(我们要赶快,不能拖延!) (procrastination 是名词)
反之,to drag (one's) feet 又是行动迟缓,拖拖拉拉的意思。例如:

China complains that Taiwan is trying to drag its feet on reunification. (中国埋怨台湾在统一方面尽力拖延。)

15. to hang out (one's) shingle:

这是指自己挂牌营业 (to open a private office); 十九世纪时,一般专业人员 (如医生、律师等) 自己开业时,多用一块建筑房子墙壁或屋顶的板子 (shingle),油漆後,写上自己的招牌。不过,现在这句话倒是代表开业时所有准备过程。例如:

The attorney will hang out his shingle after he has passed the bar exam. (这位律师通过律师考试後,将要自己开业。)
(对律师的称呼,attorney 要比 lawyer 正式些。)
Dr. Smith has hung out his shingle for many years as a physician. (Smith 医师已经开业多年。)
(注:一般老外认为医师的正确称呼应该是 physician,而不是 doctor。)

16. to get (one's) feet wet:
意思是初次经验或开始参与。(to get the first experience in doing something); 这句话的由来,据说是游泳前,多半先用脚试试水温,看看是否适应体温後,再跳入水里。同理,咱们做事,必要得到第一次的经验後才能知道将来能否胜任愉快。例如:

After graduation,his son wanted to get his feet wet in computer science field. (他的儿子毕业後,想尝试电脑科技方面的工作。)
My daughter decided to work on her MBA after she got her feet wet in business. (我女儿在商业上得到初次经验後,就决定攻读企管硕士。)
(MBA = Master of Business Administration)

17. to hang in there:
意思是不要泄气,要坚持下去 (not to give up or to be discouraged); 这句话也许来自拳击 (boxing),当拳击者打累了,而不愿放弃时,通常是把身子靠在对方的肩膀上或围绕拳击场的绳索上(ropes around the ring),藉此休息片刻,以便继续出击。後来人们引用这句话到做事上,只要不失去信心和勇气,必能度过难关。 例如:

Hang in there; the situation will improve!(不要泄气,情况会转好!)
You better hang in there in order to get your college degree.(为要取得大学文凭,你最好还是坚持下去。)
(动词时态:hang, hung (或 hanged))

18. to go to the dogs:
这是指心理或精神上的堕落;也可指健康衰弱或败坏。 (one's health or appearance seem to become ruined or destroyed); 从前许多人对狗不好,通常很差的食物,都给狗吃。也就是说,凡是给狗的,都是不好的东西。後来这句话演变成为「堕落」或「垮台」。例如:

Mr. Lee's outlook on life really went to the dogs.(李先生精神不振极度沮丧。)
During last few months, his health has gone to the dogs.(过去几个月来,他的身体很糟。)
He has gone to the dogs and spent all his time in the bar. (他已堕落,整天泡在酒吧里。)

19. to handle (或 treat) with kid gloves:
意思是指为人处事小心谨慎,耐心和气,以免麻烦。(to treat someone or something carefully and gently); 因为小孩用的手套 (kid gloves) 多半系用软皮制造,光滑柔软。所以处事为人也要像用孩子的手套一样小心翼翼没有摩擦。例如:

Women should always be handled with kid gloves.(对待妇女应该耐心和气。)
The U. S. government should handle Taiwan issue with kid gloves.(美国政府对台湾问题必须谨慎处理。)
Don't treat these murderers with kid gloves.(不要对这些杀人犯心慈手软。)

20. to hit the books:
意思是努力用功,小心做好功课。 (to study hard or do homework carefully); 由於hit的本意是用力做事。所以「hit the books」就是在书本上,尽力用功。例如:

Many students hit the books when they have final exams.(许多学生在大考时努力用功。)
You should hit the books if you want to do well in school.(如果你要成绩好,就得用功。)

21. to go for broke:
意思是为了某种目标而冒险,或全力以赴,孤注一掷 (to do one's best; to take a risk in order to obtain a goal); 这句话本是用在赌桌上(gambling table),如果赌徒冒险用全部的钱打赌,万一输了,就一无所有。例如:

He will go for broke hoping to fulfill his Olympic dream. (他为了实现奥运梦,而全力以赴。)
Going for broke at the casino may lead you into the state of poverty. (在赌场孤注一掷也许会使你走入贫穷。)
注意:to go broke 是指没有钱,身无分文或破产;例如:

If you don't spend money wisely, you may go broke.(假如不善用金钱,就可能破产。).





