(恨能挑启争端 爱能遮掩一切过错)
发表于 2019-8-26 11:28
Why (evangelical) Christians Support Trump
Michael Gerson, an evangelical Christian who was formerly George W. Bush’s speechwriter, has written a searing article published in The Atlantic. He asks the question, why is it that so many white evangelical Christians–4 out of 5, far more than voted for Ronald Reagan–support Donald Trump, even though he would seem to be the antithesis of everything Christians hold dear.
His article is worth reading, but it has provoked some equally interesting responses. I’ll link to those and add my own thoughts about issues that Gerson, in my opinion, is missing. Then I’d like to hear from you.
First, the article that is stirring up the controversy. From Michael Gerson, Trump and the Evangelical Temptation, The Atlantic: