A joke about Engineering Work...
我们的项目不得不延期了,backend team they are getting troubles in clocks' routings
今天中午吃饭聊天,大家为项目延期都很担心job security,某同事说了个词语"ten pounds shit" 然后几个人就穷乐,我不懂。几个同事笑着说我不懂米国文化了,然后给我讲缘由。
Okay, this is the meaning of "ten-pound shit" joke:
What a ten pound pile of shit would look like if stuffed into a bag made to hold only five pounds - shit falling out everywhere
Oh well, in our case, we're not having ten pounds shit, but we are having six pounds shit at least!
还有个词blivet is also a term about similar unmanageable cases
