
[ZT] 美国大学中的兄弟会和姐妹会

[ZT] 美国大学中的兄弟会和姐妹会

这是Elite College Link发表的第一篇日志,希望大家能喜欢!因为我们是一群在美国土生土长的大学毕业生,我们极为了解美国大学文化并希望中国学生们能得到最正确的资料以供选择大学和融入美国生活。听到很多学生,朋友,及他们的父母过问兄弟会和姐妹会(Fraternities and Sororities)的事,并视之为一种神秘,甚至像秘密或犯罪组织一样的存在。这里,我们讲揭秘他们的真面目:他们是什么,怎么参加,怎么运作,最重要的是:你要不要参加?



作为美国大学中重要的社交结构,兄弟会和姐妹会为众人所知。在这几个有名的电影比如《Old School》《Animal House》《The Social Network》《Legally Blonde》中,它们都是至关重要的角色。


兄弟会一般认为只有清一色男生组成,如果男女都有可以叫做联谊会。姐妹会同理。所有的这些社交组织的名称通常都由二到三个希腊字母组成(比如Phi Delta Pi或者 Sigma Alpha Epsilon)。共同的是,在大学里它们都被成为Greek organizations,你也会经常听到Greek life这种说法。




•        友情/人脉—考虑到你将会花费大量的时间与你兄弟会或者姐妹会的成员们在一起,这确实可以形成相当强烈的情感纽带,加入这些组织的最大卖点就是你有机会成为团体中的一员并可以在这个过程中交到终身的朋友。另外,这也提供给你接近校友们的机会,这对你日后的工作寻找是非常有益的。

•        领导力的发展—身为Greek organizations中的一员,这里有很多可以供职的领导职位去帮助组织社区服务或者各样的活动。这可以在将来的简历中发挥很好的作用。

•        社区服务—几乎所有的Greek organizations都有一个服务的着重点。如果你想要参与进去去壮大社区那么你可以牢记这点。

•        住宅(取决于学校)--在有些学校,兄弟会和姐妹会有他们自己的住宅,有些在校园里,有些不在。在学校里找好点的住房有点麻烦,于是这点也算是作为成员的一个大的好处。


•        派对文化—在很多学校,社交生活正是以Greek organizations为中心。他们每周都要举行几次校园派对。很多组织的文化就是组织派对。太多的社交也许会让你的学业受阻。当然,也并不是所有的组织都是以派对为文化中心的。

•        宣誓程序—宣誓通常会和戏弄联系在一起,这要求你完成挑以证明你完全献身于组织。有些活动是无害的,比如说穿上可笑的戏服,但是有些就会很严肃,比如要求你喝掉大量的酒。当然,很多学校都密切注意这这种不良现象,你要先了解在宣誓之前到底需要做什么。

•        排外性—很多人反对这些组织,因为加入它们是相对排外的一种过程。经过宣誓并且表明你的会员身份后,那么你便把你自己与校园里其他的人隔离开来了。

•        会费—会员们必须要付一笔入会费并且每年还要付年费以维持组织的运营及维护。相对于学校里的花费,会费也许不高(一般几百美元一年),但是毕竟算是一笔额外的费用。


总之,这是一个私人的决定,并且不要决定的太早,先去校园观察观察再说。如果你决定要加入一个Greek organization,那么在rush期间花点时间多了解了解这个组织并最好与活跃的会员们先谈一谈。

1) Greek life在校园的社交活动中到底有如何重要,参加组织的学生的百分率又是多少?
2) 在校园里,这个组织的名声到底怎么样?
3) 参加一个组织会让我在社交或者学业上受到影响吗?

你的大学也会影响你的决定。尽管在很多大学里这是社交架构的一个重要部分,但是有些学校里这种组织的的影响力有限,或者还有一些学校里完全就没有Greek organizations。


如果你正在进行大学申请,那么问题1和问题2这些关于Greek organizations的影响力和声誉现状也可以作为挑选合适学校的一个考虑因素因为某些大学(特别是南方的或公立的州立大学)的社交场景很大一部分是围绕兄弟会姐妹会的。但某些小一些,偏文理的学校(Brown,Amherst等)参加的人就很少,甚至没有。

Fraternities & Sororities

Fraternities and sororities are well known within the social structure of American universities. They are featured in well-known films such as Old School, Animal House, The Social Network, and Legally Blonde.
But what is a fraternity or sorority, and given their publicity, how prevalent are they across campuses in the US?

What are fraternities and sororities?

Fraternities are most commonly all male groups while co-ed groups are usually called co-ed fraternities and sororities are all female groups. All are social organizations commonly recognized by their two or three Greek letter names (such as Phi Delta Pi or Sigma Alpha Epsilon). Collectively, they are referred to as Greek organizations and you will often hear references to “Greek life” on campus.

Fraternities and sororities are usually organized around a common interest. While they are most often social clubs (some with a cultural or ethnic focus), they can also be organized for community service, professional advancement or academic achievement. Many fraternities and sororities have their own houses on or near the campus, although this depends on the school.

Students have the opportunity to learn more about Greek organizations and meet their members during the “Rush” process. Usually during this period, fraternities and sororities will sponsor events to draw in prospective members. At the conclusion of Rush, you may be offered the chance to “Pledge”, which means an additional process to obtain membership in that organization. After successfully “pledging”, you become initiated as a member.

So what are the pros and cons of joining a fraternity or sorority?

•        Friendships/connections– given the amount of time you will spend with other members of your fraternity or sorority, you can expect to form very strong bonds. Oftentimes, the biggest selling point of joining such an organization is the opportunity to be a part of a close community and make lifelong friends in the process. Additionally, being a member gives you access to alumni that can be beneficial in looking for jobs.

•        Leadership opportunities – within a Greek organization there are many available leadership roles from running the organization to planning community service events. These can be great resume builders as well.

•        Community service – nearly all Greek organizations make service a focal point of their mission. This is a great thing to keep in mind if you want to get involved in helping the broader community.

•        Housing (depends on the school) – at some schools, fraternities and sororities have their own houses, either on or off campus. Particularly at schools where finding upper-class housing can be an issue, this can be a big perk of membership.

•        Partying culture–at many schools, the social life revolves around Greek organizations. They throw campus parties and members are expected to socialize several times a week. Often, the culture of the organization is one that promotes partying. Too much socializing and your studies may suffer. However, not all organizations have a party-focused culture.

•        Pledge process –pledges are often subject to “hazing”, which requires you to complete challenges to prove your dedication to the organization. Some activities can be harmless, like dressing up in funny costumes, while others are more serious, such as being required to drink large quantities of alcohol. While many schools keep a very close eye on hazing, you should understand what this process entails before pledging.

•        Exclusivity – many people are against Greek organizations because joining is a relatively exclusive process. In going through a pledge process and identifying yourself as a member of this small community, you set yourself apart from everyone else on campus.

•        Membership fees – members must pay initiation and annual member fees that go towards the upkeep of the organization. While the amount (usually several hundred US dollars per year) may not be high compared to the cost of school, it is an additional expense to be mindful of.

Key Takeaways

With many pros and cons to consider, the decision to join a fraternity or sorority is not an easy one.

Ultimately, it is a personal choice and one that you should not make until you arrive on campus. If you are considering joining a Greek organization, take your time during the rush process to learn more about the Greek organizations and speak to active members.

Ask them and yourself the following questions:
1) How important a role does Greek life play in the social activities on campus and what percentage of students are members of a Greek organization?
2) What is the reputation of the Greek organizations on campus?
3) Will I be limiting myself either socially or academically by joining one of these organizations?

Understand that this is a personal decision that depends a great deal on the school that you attend. Even though it is a large part of the social fabric at many universities, certain schools don’t have Greek organizations while at others they have a limited influence.

Lastly, there is no right answer in making this decision. Even though it may feel as if there is a lot of pressure to join or not join, think about what is best for you and your experience over your four years in college.

For college applicants, questions 1 and 2 from above regarding the influence and reputation of Greek organizations on campus are relevant questions to consider when working on selecting which schools to apply to. The social lives of many universities, especially those in the South and large State Schools, tend to evolve around fraternities and sororities. However, smaller schools such as Brown or Liberal Arts Colleges tend to have few to none involvement in Greek life.

[ 本帖最后由 pp_dream 于 2017-1-26 06:05 编辑 ]

