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标题: [劳务招聘] 一家航空公司招聘人事副经理, 有兴趣的请短我 [打印本页]

作者: leilh    时间: 2007-12-19 16:15     标题: 一家航空公司招聘人事副经理, 有兴趣的请短我

Deputy Manager Human Resource

Job Description:
1. Assist Manager HR in recruitment.
2. Assist Manager HR in management of all sorts of labour contracts.
3. Assist Manager HR in management of employees’ archives.
4. Assist Manager HR in management of foreign employees.
5. Assist Manager HR in management of employees’ training.
6. Assist Manager HR in management of appraisal and promotion.
7. Assist Manager HR in management of employees’ welfare, benefit and social insurance.
8. Update and maintain the HR Manual.

1.  Recognized university degree.
2.  At least 5 years human resources or relevant working experience.
3.  Able to write and communicate well in Chinese and English.
4.  Have strong capability of organization and coordination and willing to express
5.  Able to work under pressure.

年龄最好要35以上的,要管理经验要丰富的,主管经验最起码要7,8年.该企业属于交通运输行业,中外合资,规模在200-400人左右,人力资源部门就有十几二十多号人.一定要管理经验丰富的,能镇得住下面得. 面试为英语面试

[ 本帖最后由 leilh 于 2008-1-9 18:02 编辑 ].
作者: 轩轩轩妈    时间: 2007-12-20 14:42

作者: 我离幸福有多远    时间: 2007-12-26 10:01     标题: 回复#一家航空公司招聘人事副经理, 有兴趣的请短我

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: leilh    时间: 2007-12-29 09:45

作者: 巴依老爷    时间: 2007-12-29 10:22

作者: leilh    时间: 2008-1-9 18:00

原帖由 巴依老爷 于 2007-12-29 10:22 发表 \"\"

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