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标题: 大家想不想旺旺上有个英语角啊?(此地目前为山寨英语角,学英语者慎入!) [打印本页]

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 13:48     标题: 大家想不想旺旺上有个英语角啊?(此地目前为山寨英语角,学英语者慎入!)


[ 本帖最后由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-27 13:08 编辑 ].
作者: ellenxd    时间: 2009-2-26 13:49

作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 13:49     标题: 回复 2#ellenxd 的帖子

作者: ellenxd    时间: 2009-2-26 13:50

gu ji dao shi hou chu lai de dou shi pin yin.
作者: ellenxd    时间: 2009-2-26 13:50     标题: 回复 3#无常 的帖子

xie xie , women zhi hui pin yin ..
作者: 盎鼓头妈妈    时间: 2009-2-26 13:51

good idea!!.
作者: 叮叮爱妈    时间: 2009-2-26 13:56

楼上妈妈可爱滴 ,拼音也可以的,让老外学。.
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 13:57     标题: 回复 5#ellenxd 的帖子

ni zhen jue ,guji louzhu yao za ni le ,baozhong wo xian che le
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 13:58

原帖由 无常 于 2009-2-26 13:57 发表 \"\"
ni zhen jue ,guji louzhu yao za ni le ,baozhong wo xian che le
看你的这段拼音,才叫累死了! .
作者: unununun    时间: 2009-2-26 13:58

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:05

let's chat in english!

ruguo buhui jiuyong pinyin?.
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 14:08     标题: 回复 9#wbhtj 的帖子

作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 14:11     标题: 回复 11#wbhtj 的帖子


Bye Bye

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:12     标题: 回复 12#无常 的帖子

mei ren xiao ni de ,fangxin!!!!.
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 14:12

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:13     标题: 回复 15#无常 的帖子

buyaojin, ni yingyu lao hao e !  gangcai naju yingyu tai jingdian le !.
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:13     标题: 回复 15#无常 的帖子

i love you!.
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 14:19

ding, chong zhe louzhu de zhe ge wen ye yao ding
I love you too too!.
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 14:20

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 13:48 发表 \"\"

Do you like raining day, I am blue these days without sunshine..
作者: 小牛牛的宝贝妈    时间: 2009-2-26 14:22

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:23     标题: 回复 18#无常 的帖子

thank you!
houmian gai zenme  yong ying yu shuo a !

looking forward a "gaoshou"! .
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:26

原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-2-26 14:20 发表 \"\"


Do you like raining day, I am blue these days without sunshine.
haha!lai le yi ge!

I don't like rainy too ! because I go to work by subway,and it's about 15 minute's walk from the station to the office building.

aiyo,lei si wo le!.
作者: 叮叮爱妈    时间: 2009-2-26 14:28

I sad,I cary because my mama.
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:30

原帖由 叮叮爱妈 于 2009-2-26 14:28 发表 \"\"
I sad,I cary because my mama
don't cry!
but, sorry, what's your words meaning?.
作者: sandyshang    时间: 2009-2-26 14:34     标题: 回复 18#无常 的帖子

作者: sandyshang    时间: 2009-2-26 14:35

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 14:23 发表 \"\"
thank you!
houmian gai zenme  yong ying yu shuo a !

looking forward a "gaoshou"!
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 14:37     标题: 回复 21#wbhtj 的帖子

我想初中时教过I will do my best!
但想想是不是太简单了,于是在GOOGLE 上G了一下,结果弄得洋不洋,腔不腔,到现在见到老板还抬不起头来
作者: 一杯茗茶    时间: 2009-2-26 14:38

原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-2-26 14:20 发表 \"\"


Do you like raining day, I am blue these days without sunshine.
好象有个贴子说的:yellow DVD = Blue movie. Are you "blue" today?.
作者: sandyshang    时间: 2009-2-26 14:38     标题: 回复 27#无常 的帖子

作者: 叮叮爱妈    时间: 2009-2-26 14:40     标题: 回复 24#wbhtj 的帖子

我因为我妈而哭泣。是不是应该I am sad,I am cry for my mama..
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 14:41

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 14:26 发表 \"\"

haha!lai le yi ge!

I don't like rainy too ! because I go to work by subway,and it's about 15 minute's walk from the station to the office building.

aiyo,lei si wo le!
I feel the current weather is colder and uncomfortable than in the winter.

At fine day, when I was in office, I like to walk outside and enjoy sunshine per hour , but these days, it is cold outside, I only stay at small office, nowhere to move..
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 14:42     标题: 回复 22#wbhtj 的帖子

subway is never easy during rush hours...the traffic in Shanghai is getting worse and worse....
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 14:44

原帖由 一杯茗茶 于 2009-2-26 14:38 发表 \"\"

好象有个贴子说的:yellow DVD = Blue movie. Are you "blue" today?
You mean adult movie?

But I say my mood is bad today..
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:45     标题: 回复 30#叮叮爱妈 的帖子

不笑你,我是很认真的查了字典cary是什么意思,结果还是不明白。 其实仔细想想应该知道的呀,这就是自己对英语不够自信的结果。.
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 14:45     标题: 回复 31#PUPPET 的帖子

it's really cold this Spring, so boring to see the grey sky everyday....
作者: 一杯茗茶    时间: 2009-2-26 14:46     标题: 回复 33#PUPPET 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 一杯茗茶 于 2009-2-26 14:59 编辑 ].
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 14:48

原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-2-26 14:42 发表 \"\"
subway is never easy during rush hours...the traffic in Shanghai is getting worse and worse...
Yeah, too much people..
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:51     标题: 回复 31#PUPPET 的帖子

It' not raining this morning, so i wanted to walk outside in lunch time. but i find it's rainning hard outside when i go downstairs. and i had to go back to the office room..
作者: 凡士林    时间: 2009-2-26 14:51

作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 14:52

原帖由 一杯茗茶 于 2009-2-26 14:46 发表 \"\"
Joking.  I know you don't mean sexual things...
It is a quite sensitive topic to discuss "sexual" here, also I am a very traditonal Shanghai gentleman, you let me feel shy..
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:54

原帖由 凡士林 于 2009-2-26 14:51 发表 \"\"
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 14:55

原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-2-26 14:52 发表 \"\"

It is a quite sensitive topic to discuss "sexual" here, also I am a very traditonal Shanghai gentleman, you let me feel shy.
oh, you are not a woman! 稀客稀客!.
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 14:56


[ 本帖最后由 无常 于 2009-2-26 15:08 编辑 ].
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:00     标题: 回复 43#无常 的帖子

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:00     标题: 回复 43#无常 的帖子

作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:03

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 14:51 发表 \"\"
It' not raining this morning, so i wanted to walk outside in lunch time. but i find it's rainning hard outside when i go downstairs. and i had to go back to the office room.
I went outside this noon just have a noodle, only 10 yuan. But after lunch, the rain was heavy, I had to take taxi to my officer, I paid 11 yuan.  Expensive noodle.

What a pity!.
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 15:03     标题: 回复 41#wbhtj 的帖子

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:06     标题: 回复 47#无常 的帖子

无常啊,我开贴的初衷真的是想学英语啊,都是被你勾引的跑题了 .
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 15:06     标题: 回复 45#wbhtj 的帖子

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:10     标题: 回复 46#PUPPET 的帖子

i  think your body is quite good. you walk so  far away just  for a noodle! .
作者: 兔子波波    时间: 2009-2-26 15:11     标题: 回复 50#wbhtj 的帖子

noodle可以a a a 俄数啊.
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 15:12     标题: 回复 44#混凝土 的帖子

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:12     标题: 回复 49#无常 的帖子

作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:13     标题: 回复 46#PUPPET 的帖子

you're least you got a taxi, otherwise, you'll pay the doctor much more.
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:13

原帖由 兔子波波 于 2009-2-26 15:11 发表 \"\"
noodle可以a a a 俄数啊
作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 15:14     标题: 回复 53#wbhtj 的帖子

作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:15     标题: 回复 52#无常 的帖子

well, 你可以参考奥斯卡颁奖礼的得奖感言!.
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:16     标题: 回复 54#混凝土 的帖子

PUPPET is very healthy!  He will not fall ill if "rain drops on his head" i think. .
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:16

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 15:10 发表 \"\"
i  think your body is quite good. you walk so  far away just  for a noodle!
Our company site just at countryside..
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:19

原帖由 兔子波波 于 2009-2-26 15:11 发表 \"\"
noodle可以a a a 俄数啊
Don't mind my poor English, we are just chatting, ignore phrase rules..
作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:19

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:20

原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-2-26 15:13 发表 \"\"
you're least you got a taxi, otherwise, you'll pay the doctor much more
Yeah, I am lucky. Otherwise, I will pay more.

This is my noodles story today..
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:21     标题: 回复 59#PUPPET 的帖子

it 's good that your company is at countryside, you may aviod the heavy traffic..
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:22

原帖由 cocoyangyang 于 2009-2-26 15:19 发表 \"\"

even though hate!I am grey these days without sunshine.
I think your colour is dark than me..
作者: 小斐1015    时间: 2009-2-26 15:22

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:26

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 15:21 发表 \"\"
it 's good that your company is at countryside, you may aviod the heavy traffic.
but...probably he lives in downtown.
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:27

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 15:21 发表 \"\"
it 's good that your company is at countryside, you may aviod the heavy traffic.
Traffic jam is often when on home way, but I always have a nap at company’s shuttle bus..
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:27

原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-2-26 15:15 发表 \"\"
well, 你可以参考奥斯卡颁奖礼的得奖感言!
作者: 胡思乱想    时间: 2009-2-26 15:28

作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:28

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:31

原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-2-26 15:26 发表 \"\"

but...probably he lives in downtown
My home at the edge of downtown, about 40 minutes from company to my home..
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:32     标题: 回复 67#PUPPET 的帖子

you pay no money on traffic every,  so it's a little case for you  pay the taxi this noon..
作者: 冰城来客    时间: 2009-2-26 15:33

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 13:48 发表 \"\"
作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:33

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:34     标题: 回复 71#PUPPET 的帖子

so,  still suffered from the traffic....
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:35     标题: 回复 72#wbhtj 的帖子

come on, he's a man, must save every cent for the family....
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:35     标题: 回复 70#cocoyangyang 的帖子

i totally  admire you!.
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:36     标题: 回复 70#cocoyangyang 的帖子

poor must be hungry now.....
作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:37     标题: 回复 77#wbhtj 的帖子

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:37

原帖由 cocoyangyang 于 2009-2-26 15:28 发表 \"\"

Because raining,I must leave my home 15 minutes early.Not only take my time but also take my money. I.E.If sunny I can by bike to office and no money need pay.
or take bus No123 to office ...
Understand! But weather forecast say it is raining recently..
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:37     标题: 回复 68#wbhtj 的帖子

作者: 西门吹沙    时间: 2009-2-26 15:38     标题: 回复 70#cocoyangyang 的帖子

作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:38     标题: 回复 78#混凝土 的帖子

it's good for lose weight for woman,so sometimes  hungry is prefer..
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-2-26 15:38

原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-2-26 15:35 发表 \"\"
come on, he's a man, must save every cent for the family...
Thank you for your understanding.

Mannnnnn is not easy lived on this earth..
作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:38     标题: 回复 78#混凝土 的帖子

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:40     标题: 回复 82#无常 的帖子

作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:43     标题: 回复 83#wbhtj 的帖子

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:43

原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-2-26 15:38 发表 \"\"

Thank you for your understanding.

Mannnnnn is not easy lived on this earth.
women too
we have to keep tracking where the money was gone....
作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:44     标题: 回复 82#无常 的帖子

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:44     标题: 回复 85#cocoyangyang 的帖子

please call your husband for the food. I know he is a good  man. If his car has battery, he would come as soon as possible..
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:46

原帖由 cocoyangyang 于 2009-2-26 15:43 发表 \"\"
bingo! on the other hand,I will have a vacation at hannan.Thin is always popular than fat. am I right? Oh my god, pls rainy and raniy!
what are you going to do at hannan?  Are you going to wear bikinis?

[ 本帖最后由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 15:49 编辑 ].
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:47

原帖由 cocoyangyang 于 2009-2-26 15:38 发表 \"\"
If possible,i don't mind you send some food to my office.I don't need flower,I need food.
wenbao shi talk daode de biyao condition.
give me your address please...what kind of food should i send?.
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:48     标题: 回复 92#混凝土 的帖子

may i give you my address? i'm hugry too!

i just eat a small small small sandwich this noon..
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:49

原帖由 wbhtj 于 2009-2-26 15:38 发表 \"\"
it's good for lose weight for woman,so sometimes  hungry is prefer.
hungry will make people alerted, so, keep hungry before sixty....
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:50     标题: 回复 93#wbhtj 的帖子

yes, i'll send a big big big steam bread to you.
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:50     标题: 回复 94#混凝土 的帖子

i 'm  sixty-one years old! .
作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:51     标题: 回复 90#wbhtj 的帖子

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-2-26 15:51

原帖由 cocoyangyang 于 2009-2-26 15:43 发表 \"\"
bingo! on the other hand,I will have a vacation at hannan.Thin is always popular than fat. am I right? Oh my god, pls rainy and raniy!
excuse me, where is "hannan"?.
作者: wbhtj    时间: 2009-2-26 15:52     标题: 回复 95#混凝土 的帖子

steam bread will made a blood murder ! Do you remember "wuji"?.
作者: cocoyangyang    时间: 2009-2-26 15:53     标题: 回复 92#混凝土 的帖子

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