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标题: Facing swine flu, please to wear masks [打印本页]

作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-5-3 14:04     标题: Facing swine flu, please to wear masks

A couple of youngman wear masks I met at Lu Jiazui’s street the day before yesterday, I guess they come from Hong Kong, Taiwan or Japan, because we always laughed them fear to death. The day before yesterday was May day, so many people crowd the Pearl Tower, Lu Jiazui.They speak loudly, shout, laugh, some people sneeze, even spit, litter everywhere, but looks like nothing happened in Shanghai, these people with masks were very strange. Unlucky, a report said there was a Mexican stopped Shanghai temporary then flied to Hong Kong, he was validated to be infected with terrible swine flu by Hong Kong government. Remain likely 13 people within same flight to Shanghai lost communication, some people were to be infected,maybe they are among us. We had to face swine flu is spreading over the world now. Is Shanghai a place of Shangri-la? Are Chinese immunized from disease? We have already invented good medicine to cure the swine flu? bosh.

Please wear masks everybody, although I don’t know the masks are effective in preventing the virus or stop spreads, but I thought it is available way for people to protect themselves and care others.

[ 本帖最后由 PUPPET 于 2009-5-3 14:13 编辑 ].
作者: Emerald    时间: 2009-5-3 20:44

The masks in the pharmacy have been sold out..
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-5-3 21:42

原帖由 Emerald 于 2009-5-3 20:44 发表 \"\"
The masks in the pharmacy have been sold out.
Really? but a few people wear masks I met in the street..
作者: Emerald    时间: 2009-5-4 11:03

I went to 2 pharmacies in the corner yesterday but didn't get any..
作者: 米奇一家子    时间: 2009-5-4 16:40

I perfer to wear mask when I take subway. It's too crowded.
作者: kathy_tang    时间: 2009-5-7 10:09

It seems uncomfortable to wear a mask..
作者: Emerald    时间: 2009-5-7 11:15     标题: 回复 6#kathy_tang 的帖子

It is uncomfortable. I feel very stiff having a mask on. But they said this will do to avoid contamination..
作者: 易萱妈    时间: 2009-5-8 15:15

I don't like to wear  mask. But if necessay I would do. Now it seems no serious situation in China. What I feel happy is that China Government is more transparent than before and react quickly, effectively and efficiently..
作者: Melodies    时间: 2009-5-10 14:30

“Please” 后面请不要加 "to".


我有职业病。请大家谅解。不过我真的是受不了 Please 后面加 to..
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-5-11 20:30

原帖由 Melodies 于 2009-5-10 14:30 发表 \"\"
“Please” 后面请不要加 "to".


我有职业病。请大家谅解。不过我真的是受不了 Please 后面加 to.
Thank you, but I don't understand why, can you explain it?.
作者: 虫虫妈妈    时间: 2009-5-11 22:20

原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-5-11 20:30 发表 \"\"

Thank you, but I don't understand why, can you explain it?
是不是“please to wear masks”?.
作者: lemonade    时间: 2009-5-12 09:16     标题: 回复 10#PUPPET 的帖子

I just saw the rule of this section -- No Chinese. Ok let's say it in English although I prefer Chinese

'to do something' is a phrase, not a sentence. But after 'Please', you need a sentence. It took me a while to figure out this 'why'. But you can tell 'please to ..' doesn't sound right by just reading it. That's why reading is important.

Another problem of your essay is, unlike Chinese sentences, English sentences can't be connected by comma. If your sentence is complete, use a period.

Hope you don't mind .
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-5-12 22:25

原帖由 lemonade 于 2009-5-12 09:16 发表 \"\"
I just saw the rule of this section -- No Chinese. Ok let's say it in English although I prefer Chinese

'to do something' is a phrase, not a sentence. But after 'Please', you need a sentence. It  ...
Make sense,thank you very much.

I always like to say "lease to do something", but not aware this is a mistake. I need continued to improve my English ability,especially on written skills..
作者: dangdang98    时间: 2009-5-22 16:45

This is the only topic that 95% words are in English.  Perfect!
Today i had lunch in Wujiang Road and met 2 men with "professional" masks.  They should be from HK.  It seems that only 5 cases of H1N1 in China mainland.  Maybe they want to protect us..
作者: PUPPET    时间: 2009-5-23 23:00

原帖由 dangdang98 于 2009-5-22 16:45 发表 \"\"
This is the only topic that 95% words are in English.  Perfect!
Today i had lunch in Wujiang Road and met 2 men with "professional" masks.  They should be from HK.  It seems that only 5 cases of H1N1 ...
Sure, only 5 people were infected H1N1 flu in mainland China to date. Unfortunatly,flu is spreading out in our neighbour Japan rapidly, one of my friend had to cancelled the trip to Osaka and Tokyo. I thought the reason is:

1. Powerful leadship by party and government.

2. Powerful Chinese food we eat daily maybe, like San Lu milk powder, Meng Niu etc.

Don't be mind, I am just kidding in item 2. Item 1 is main factor.

[ 本帖最后由 PUPPET 于 2009-5-23 23:05 编辑 ].

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