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标题: dispressed and disappointed for my work [打印本页]

作者: 洋囡囡妈妈    时间: 2009-6-29 17:42     标题: dispressed and disappointed for my work

I don't know how to describe my current job, it require experience and good communication in English. I'm not lack working experience, but I'm very nervous when I speak and write English with foreigner. so it make me not so confidence, Miss understand for my job on my bad writting . I don't kow how to change it, Foreign colleagues fell I'm very strange. I feel dispressed and disappointed for my work, I know to to work, but I don't know how to communicate..
作者: yndream    时间: 2009-6-29 18:01

practice make perfect!
take you time, you will be fine..
作者: 混凝土    时间: 2009-6-29 18:35

the only way to improve you english is to practice, practice and practice....
作者: 小白云妈妈    时间: 2009-6-29 19:16

good good study, day day up.  You have began to practice from the moment you write down this note on WW123..
作者: jimmy妈咪    时间: 2009-6-30 09:32

I think you have expressed very well in the above topic. So I don't think it's very difficult for you to communicate in English.
You said:" Foreign colleagues fell I'm very strange." NO.  It's your opinion, not their's. The only thing you need is CONFIDENCE..
作者: 洋囡囡妈妈    时间: 2009-6-30 14:03     标题: 回复 5#jimmy妈咪 的帖子

These words is from my big boss,he talked to my boss, he said he felt I'm not in working station, seem something happen for my home, so this is my impressvie given to other person.
My recently work need very good formative English, sometime even need to argue with foreign supplier, my English in enough for plant, but not current work.
Yes, now confidence leave me far and far, if the foreigner talks to me with more patiet, it will let me calm and can keep communicating , but over half Europen people don't like Chinese person. I met one , I guess his means and ask him whether he ask this question, he told me, "You don't understand, OK, stop." actually Europen person don't like to communicate with these person whose English is not well good..
作者: 泽泽妈    时间: 2009-6-30 14:24

Agree with you. some European people are quite arrogant. They looked down on Chinese. Don't be afraid of them if you feel so. Get well prepared for the topics you want to discuss. And try to speak out all what you want to express. And not every European can speak fluent English. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. We are using our second language. Not our mother tongue.

It is true that  when you feel more confident, you can express yourself better.

Language is just a tool. Especially for oral. Practise and building up your confidence..
作者: leoleo    时间: 2009-6-30 15:45

You may change the way of thinking.  Your English is not bad, the problem is that those expatriates don't show enough respect to Asian including Chinese, Indian, Korean etc.  Why should our Chinese  study English so hard if we don't want to live and work in English-speaking country? Why should we waste so much of time to study English to  make their life easier in China? I hope one day we can shout to their face: " You should learn Chinese, beacause you are doing business in China!! you are making money in China!! ".
作者: 洋囡囡妈妈    时间: 2009-6-30 16:03     标题: 回复 7#泽泽妈 的帖子

Thank you very much, truthly, They look down on us,although they don't talk this to Chinese directly. I want to use this glossary before.
European colleagues are not same position as me, they usually up to me, just because they are European. We are foreign venture, so European believe European.
Before each discussing, I did prepare, but the talk rangement is wide, not fixed in one , and Europen master English is better than me and more quickly action than me.some time I thought I jumped them trap. if my English is better than them, I can argue with them.
Yes, not all European speak English fluently, so if I mistake his meaning, it's my problem, not theirs. Europen always right even they are wrong.
Yes,   practise can improm my English, Improve my English can improve my confidence.
Thank you all of you. It's better now..
作者: 洋囡囡妈妈    时间: 2009-6-30 16:18     标题: 回复 8#leoleo 的帖子

No, I'm not agree with you, English is a common tool for communication. Even Chinese grow up bigger. we shouldn't like Japanese, they only use themselves language, Everything is themselves.we should have open thought. English is very important, but people shouldn't use English to press others if they use it not very well. English is just like computer, we should not complain  a person computer skill is not good, even he can finish his job.
Comparison my English level with European, like countryside guy versus urban people..
作者: leoleo    时间: 2009-6-30 16:46

That's fine you don't agree with me, but I believe to ask them to study Chinese should be one of the good ways to change their pespective of Chinese.  BTW, I don't like the comparison: countryside vs urban area,  some of the expat are just from the far far away countryside in their home country.....
作者: 洋囡囡妈妈    时间: 2009-6-30 17:39     标题: 回复 11#leoleo 的帖子

Yes, Some European person are not live in city, I just for example, To describe the feeling, when we talk to a contryside person who never been to city, he can speak to you, but the feeling  is different, they can talk, but not effective. This is the condition of mine. I hope our country grow up, I think it can accept all global people..
作者: Emerald    时间: 2009-6-30 21:51

Relax and strive to find your voice. Although it's sometimes hard to argue with native/good english speakers but do not hold back easily. If they have been rude you need to sort it out by yourself..
作者: yndream    时间: 2009-7-1 10:44     标题: 回复 8#leoleo 的帖子

Totally agree with u!.
作者: leoleo    时间: 2009-7-1 14:14     标题: 回复 14#yndream 的帖子

Thanks.  Just want to express that anyone should not look down to himself/herself, if  he/she wants to win other's respect.  Definitely our Chinese's English ability is better than those expat's Chinese ability.  That's a fair comparison!.
作者: nice妈妈    时间: 2009-7-1 16:15     标题: 回复 1#洋囡囡妈妈 的帖子

Actually, everything has its bright side, when you feel the stress, you can also take it as an opportunity,  the stress comes from the expectation that you need to obtain sufficient English proficiency to perform your work. the opportunity is you've got many chance to practice your English. you are paid for speaking in English.
see, many people are paying foreigners for the practicing.
meanwhile, when you get used to it, English will become one of your competent, "No pains, no gains", just keep it up, Every cloud has a silver line.
I am not a native English speaker, I can not even count how many sleepless night I have been spent on learning English, it is not because of any favorism to westerner, it is just because language is a kind of skill, like computer, biological and etc. and providing you pay faithful effort on that, you will definitely make it..
作者: 洋囡囡妈妈    时间: 2009-7-2 16:43     标题: 回复 16#nice妈妈 的帖子

thank u very much, yes, when I need use English that's means I have work, I have something or some target to get, from bright side, it can encourage my practise my English more and more,  Now I learn payid English, so I learn it whenever I have time.I think in the future, if I  can't keep this job, I still have good capital to earn another better job. so there's nothing to afraid..
作者: fifi_qian    时间: 2009-8-13 17:27

原帖由 leoleo 于 2009-6-30 15:45 发表 \"\"
You may change the way of thinking.  Your English is not bad, the problem is that those expatriates don't show enough respect to Asian including Chinese, Indian, Korean etc.  Why should our Chinese  s ...
作者: MingmingMM    时间: 2009-8-14 09:55

As the above said:practice make perpect. With time past, you may find most emails are similar.  In same case, you can use your colleague's email style or find it from internet.  
Actually, many my oversea colleagues say Chinese can write good english email and can/like to write complex sentences. Though, simple english sentences works..
作者: 星宝贝    时间: 2009-8-14 10:48     标题: 回复 8#leoleo 的帖子

well done .

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