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标题: Do you think kids should play or study in summer holidays [打印本页]

作者: euphy    时间: 2010-8-10 11:30     标题: Do you think kids should play or study in summer holidays

Do you think the main object of the kids during summer holidays is to:

Relax, or
Study first, then play?

My husband and I have opposite opinions on this.

I think the kids should play with some improvements (such as play with friends, visit musemes, read story books, watch English videos, draw pictures, learn to swim etc). If kids can not play with some improvements, they had better study first(learn some new Chinese characters, pre-read some mathematic textbooks, or play piano), and only after they study first, can they play as they like (such as watch TV, being idle, play computer games).

My husband believes that kids should be allowed to do whatever they want. Just relax. No need for parents to put too much emphasis on filling up the kids' schedule.

So far my 7-year daughter does complete the workload I gave her for each work day, sometimes she completes it before I came home in the evening, many other times she forgot the work and has to be repeated reminded and then finished at night.

Am I being too harsh?

What is your view?.
作者: viviancao    时间: 2011-8-24 10:59

The summer holiday is  leaving soon.
I think my son's summer holiday included half computer games and half study. Maybe computer games were majority.
When I was teenager,the situation was almost same. The only difference was my parents never worried about me.
So what actually changed?.
作者: lemonade    时间: 2011-8-24 11:02


But they will play anyways..
作者: euphy    时间: 2011-8-25 16:03

This year my daughter starts to play the Plants vs. Zombie and spents quite some time on that.
Other than that, she also learns some school work, plays football twice a week, swims, and plays with friends.
I stop worrying that much..
作者: viviancao    时间: 2011-8-26 09:26

原帖由 euphy 于 2011-8-25 16:03 发表 \"\"
This year my daughter starts to play the Plants vs. Zombie and spents quite some time on that.
Other than that, she also learns some school work, plays football twice a week, swims, and plays with fr ...
Girl played footbal,it was so amazing..
作者: 丽贝卡妈妈    时间: 2011-9-6 05:07     标题: 回复 1楼euphy 的帖子

Learn and play
Learn in play
Recommend travel, sports, reading, and summer camp..
作者: qianqianmama    时间: 2011-9-6 15:30

Every holiday, we must arrange a family travel first. Besides, my daughter likes swimming very much. Even outside is too too hot, she was never absent.
But this summer holiday, she joined a lesson for her upcoming middle school. Thus, she has to stopped swimming twice. Since I thought she was too busy, too tired.  
My poor daughter, my cute daughter..

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