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标题: [转载] 国际生申请越来越多貌似经济危机也不顶事了 [打印本页]

作者: 慢吞吞    时间: 2012-3-28 13:28     标题: 国际生申请越来越多貌似经济危机也不顶事了

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Washington (Seattle campus) is producing admission decision letters as I type and will continue to do so throughout the week. Some letters may well be in the mail starting today or tomorrow (a bit earlier than we planned). Many of your students will recieve their letters this week and early next.
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As expected (thankfully), admission for resident applicants is better this year than last. We still had to make difficult decisions on the applications of some accomplished students, and I am sure some of you will be encouraging temporarily disappointed kids. However, many more students and families will be pleased compared to last year. Additionally, I think we will have more possibilities for students invited to be on the waitlist this year. In short, it is a good year for resident applicants.% ]# f: l6 X! g% Q5 K
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For our colleagues in other states, ths year will be similar to last. i expect the waitlist for our domestic non-resident students to be active as well.! F$ J! \6 B" p/ B
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Finally, for those in our counseling community working wit international students, this year will be more selective than last (due to a strong increase in students applying from other countries). We will have a waitlist for international students this year as well. Additionally, the international students residing outside of the U.S. will recieve notice of their admission status via email later this week or early next. - C4 u8 D$ V$ z& j/ [, z
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Thank you all for your work in helping students with their transitions to colleges and universities. Allof us at the UW appreciate your commitment and support.
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作者: 慢吞吞    时间: 2012-3-28 14:48

While this year’s freshman class aims for a two-thirds/one-third split between residents and nonresidents, overall the UW’s percentage of resident undergraduate students hovers near 80 percent, as most community-college transfer students are Washington residents.

Non-resident students pay nearly three times what residents pay in tuition. The revenue generated from nonresidents actually helps subsidize the education of all students and enables the university to maintain its statutory commitment to enroll 4,000 residents of Washington. This has been especially critical as the state has withdrawn over fifty percent of its funding of the UW over the past four years.

作者: 不二周助    时间: 2012-3-28 14:50


作者: 慢吞吞    时间: 2012-3-28 15:04     标题: 回复 3楼不二周助 的帖子

作者: Melodies    时间: 2012-3-28 15:34

作者: meia    时间: 2012-3-28 17:39

原帖由 不二周助 于 2012-3-28 14:50 发表 \"\"

作者: shuaishuaimm    时间: 2012-3-28 18:31

作者: shyangying    时间: 2012-3-28 20:28     标题: 回复 2楼慢吞吞 的帖子

作者: shyangying    时间: 2012-3-28 20:32     标题: 回复 3楼不二周助 的帖子

作者: shyangying    时间: 2012-3-28 20:46     标题: 回复 1楼慢吞吞 的帖子

作者: 君宝妈咪    时间: 2012-3-28 21:26

在国际学校升学办的朋友就说  今年各大学加大了国际学生的比例
同时 针对中国学生的游学也在增加。。。.
作者: qwer3200    时间: 2012-3-28 22:21

提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽
作者: ljj    时间: 2012-3-29 02:22


作者: 慢吞吞    时间: 2012-3-29 06:37     标题: 回复 13楼ljj 的帖子

作者: 喜胖妈    时间: 2012-3-29 08:14

原帖由 慢吞吞 于 2012-3-28 15:04 发表 \"\"
作者: shyangying    时间: 2012-3-29 09:43     标题: 回复 13楼ljj 的帖子

作者: Ageji_Mom    时间: 2012-3-30 10:10

作者: livice    时间: 2012-3-30 12:45

作者: lisa0008    时间: 2012-4-4 09:18


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