
[影评] 15年来最获好评的150部电影

1.   三色:蓝白红( Three Colours: Blue  | Kieslowski, Krszystof | 1993 )
2.    低俗小说 ( Pulp Fiction  | Tarantino, Quentin | 1994 )
4.    辛德勒名单 ( Schindler’s List  | Spielberg, Steven | 1993 )
6.    破浪 ( Breaking the Waves  | von Trier, Lars | 1996 )
10.   魔戒( The Lord of the Rings | Jackson, Peter | 2001 )
20.    阿甘正传 ( Forrest Gump  | Zemeckis, Robert | 1994 )
32.    云上的日子 ( Beyond the Clouds | Michelangelo Antonioni | 1995 )
35.    红色警戒 ( Thin Red Line, The  | Malick, Terrence | 1998 )
37.    重庆森林 ( Chungking Express  | 王家卫 Wong Kar-Wai | 1994 )
38.    花样年华 ( In the Mood for Love  | 王家卫 Wong Kar-Wai | 2000 )
40.    瓦力 ( WALL-E | Andrew Stanton | 2008 )
41.   英国病人  ( The English Patient | Anthony Minghella | 1996 )
42.    洛城机密 ( L.A. Confidential  | Hanson, Curtis | 1997 )
44.    黑暗中的舞者 ( Dancer in the Dark  | Lars von Trier | 2000 )
45.    卧虎藏龙 ( Wo hu cang long | 李安 | 2000 )
46.    断背山 ( Brokeback Mountain | Ang Lee | 2005 )
48.    霸王别姬 ( Farewell, My Concubine  | 陈凯歌 Chen Kaige | 1993 )
49.    赌场 ( Casino  | Scorsese, Martin | 1995 )
50.    泰坦尼克号 ( Titanic | James Cameron | 1997 )
•偷天情缘 ( Groundhog Day  | Ramis, Harold | 1993 )
•四个婚礼和一个葬礼 (  Four Weddings and a Funeral | Mike Newell | 1994 )
•情书 ( Love Letter | 岩井俊二 | 1995 )
•十二只猴子 ( Twelve Monkeys | Terry Gilliam | 1995 )
•七宗罪 ( Se7en | David Fincher | 1995 )
•勇闯夺命岛 ( The Rock | Michael Bay | 1996 )
•职业特工队 ( Mission: Impossible  | Brian DePalma | 1996 )
•海上钢琴师 ( The Legend of 1900 | Giuseppe Tornatore | 1998 )
•第六感 ( The Sixth Sense | M. Night Shyamalan | 1999 )
•鬼子来了 ( Devils on the Doorstep | 姜文 | 2000 )
•角斗士 ( Gladiator | Ridley Scott | 2000 )
•怪物史莱克 ( Shrek  | Andrew Adamson | 2001 )
•钢琴教师 ( Piano Teacher | Michael Haneke | 2001 )
•红磨坊 ( Moulin Rouge!  | Luhrmann, Baz | 2001 )
•勇往直前 ( Gegen die Wand | Fatih Akin | 2004 )
•撞车 ( Crash | Paul Haggis | 2004 )
•赛末点 ( Match Point | Woody Allen | 2005 )
•三峽好人( Still Life | 贾樟柯 | 2006 )
•无间行者 ( The Departed | Scorsese, Martin | 2006 )
•活着 ( To Live  | 张艺谋 Zhang Yimou | 1994 )
•理智与情感 ( Sense and Sensibility | Ang Lee | 1995 )
•勇敢的心 ( Braveheart | Mel Gibson | 1995 )
•盗火线 ( Heat  | Mann, Michael | 1995 )
•玩具总动员 ( Toy Story | John Lasseter | 1995 )
•远离赌城 (Leaving Las Vegas | Mike Figgis | 1995)
•秘密与谎言 ( Secrets & Lies | mike leigh | 1996 )
•幽灵公主 ( Mononoke-hime  | 宫崎骏 | 1997 )
•拯救大兵瑞恩 ( Saving Private Ryan  | Steven Spielberg | 1998 )
•楚门的世界 ( The Truman Show | Peter Weir | 1998 )
•黑客帝国 ( The Matrix | Andy & Larry Wachowski | 1999 )
•美国美人 ( American Beauty  | Sam Mendes | 1999 )
•木兰花 ( Magnolia  | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1999 )
•站台 ( Platform | 贾樟柯 | 2000 )
•天使艾米莉 ( Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, Le | Jean-Pierre Jeunet | 2001 )
•钢琴师 ( The Pianist | Roman Polanski | 2002 )
•迷失东京 ( Lost in Translation | Sofia Coppols | 2003 )
•老男孩 ( Oldboy | 朴赞郁 | 2003 )
•杀死比尔 ( Kill Bill | Quentin Tarantino | 2004 )
•巴别塔  ( Babel | Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu | 2006 )
•窃听 风暴 ( Das Leben der Anderen | Florian Henckel-Donnersmarck | 2006 )
•四月三周两天 ( 4 luni, 3 saptamini si 2 zile | Cristian Mungiu | 2007 ).


原帖由 丽贝卡妈妈 于 2009-1-8 11:20 发表 \"\"

