
Women's Day

Women's Day?

The day for those who hold up half of sky is due this weekend.  I have some weird questions to warm up, like it or not, just for fun:

1. do you like being a woman?  why?

2. do you think you are fairly treated as a woman in your family/workplace, or anywhere else, you name it. And...WHY?

3. speaking of the you-name-it place, how about BED? Are you satisfied? What is your s.. fantasies?  You know what I mean, right?
(Hey, LD, please give your ok to this topic, we are not kids, right? Kinda of embarrassing to talk about it Chinese)

Guys, throw your coins here! Let's party!.


here are my answers:
1. do you like being a woman?  why?
I used to hate being a girl.  because my dad prefers boys. I was the underdog in the house when I was a kid.
Now I am Ok with being a woman since it is not optional.  I easily rest in peace with reality.  If you can not change, why not enjoy it!

2. do you think you are fairly treated as a woman in your family/workplace, or anywhere else, you name it. And...WHY?
I often tell my son: you follow your teachers'  word at school, but at home, mom is in command.  
This is different story in office. I am working in an industry that women plays supporting role.  Well, my job is like a hobby to me, so I dont really care how they treat me as long as I get my  money  till the end of month.

3. speaking of the you-name-it place, how about BED? Are you satisfied? What is your s.. fantasies?  

I will leave this one till the women's day.....


原帖由 merry77 于 2009-3-3 12:38 发表 \"\"
"kinda = kind of " as I understand, and no another "of" needed?
Yes, dear.  kinda is colloquial, the informal way to say " kind of", "sort of", etc..

