
How to improve English ability for adult

How to improve English ability for adult

English is more important in my daily work. In my company, we use SAP to manage the working process, when I found any operation or system problem, I should contact global help desk to find a solution by phone call or e-mail. Clearly describe any error findings and issues to them by English are necessary. Sometimes I received their reply by mail “Sorry, I don’t fully understand your problem”. It seems they confused my Chinese English. Everyday I will attend department’s meeting to face my boss’s inquiry, I need to find proper words to express my real idea, but Chinese thinking always in my mind to interrupt me, and it is so hard to translate it into English. So I am trying my efforts to improve English ability aim to express my thinking and idea in proper way and let native speakers fully understand me and accept my points.

Have you any good suggestion to improve English ability, or study plan for continued improvement, please share with me your way. Thank you.

[ 本帖最后由 PUPPET 于 2009-5-16 19:09 编辑 ].


原帖由 zuopyu 于 2009-5-14 12:18 发表 \"\"
Hello, I am a software developer. My english is not will too. But foreigners can understand me. Because I explan it in simple way. Nowadays, I am working with a collegue who is in Seatle. We might can ...
Good idea, would you please recommend one to me, thank you.

By the way, which software are you involved, ERP system?.


原帖由 zuopyu 于 2009-5-15 09:59 发表 \"\"
I have been worked on ERP system in logistics field for long time.  I have been interested on SAP since last Augest.  We need to find a foreigne who know it technigue. I recognazed some foreigners. Bu ...
My field is in MM,SD, and now I begin to learn PP module.Our help desk team is powerful, somebody is not only fully understanding company's process but also familiar with ERP software, BUT my Chinglish....


原帖由 ostrichbaby 于 2009-5-17 17:00 发表 \"\"
the best way for me to improve English is to read English novels.  It takes time but proves to be effective.
Yeah, reading is the best way to improve English ability, but less and less time to reading nowadays. I have ordered "Global Times" and read it at shuttle bus everyday morning, that let me understand what happened in the world, also it can enlarge my vocabulary.

At every weekend, I usual to watch DVD with English speaking, some movies are perfect, give me deep impression. Such as the Reader, Slum Millionaire etc. If I read these novels before watching, I think it can help me to get more understanding of moives..

