
how do you get along with your kids?

原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-3-3 14:14 发表 \"\"
i regarded my daughter as a life long partner since she was born, so we talked everyday - on the way to school in the moring, on table, and the cherish moment is before sleep .

We shared our  ...
can't agree more.

my answer,maybe too simple :-

How often do you usually talk to your kids?
Everyday, We talk a lot during dinner time ,shower time,bed time,play time.

At what time you prefer?
before sleeping,it's relaxed.And he looks so cute to talk with.

What’s the topic? And who decide the topic usually?
He is very glad to share with me the school life and his hobbies ,and always asks me my opions on these things.

Can you always understand your kids?
yes,most times.

Do you have body contact with your kids every day? Do they enjoy it?
yes,i think we both enjoy it..


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Thank you!

