
how do you get along with your partner?

how do you get along with your partner?

i made  a lot of mistakes during my last relationship, the worst thing is... i didn't realized after many years

we saw so many negative topics in WW, full of sad and mad stories, got lost in the marriage, lives turned away from the right tracks...looked like twisted ropes...better to question and refresh ourselves now.

do you often discuss about plans for family together?
do you save some time and share your feelings everyday?
did you ever dinner out only with him/her?
hug and kiss everyday?
after a quarrel, who will break the ice first?
did you find the recipe to make him/her to love you more?
when you're occupied, can your partner understand and take over your job ?

[ 本帖最后由 混凝土 于 2009-3-4 14:18 编辑 ].


回复 2#grant 的帖子

your answers are tricky....come on, those were not difficult questions.....


回复 5#leonyou 的帖子

your sentences are short but funny! both of you have good sense of humour...
  "You, apologize!" "Me? no way.""Hm!".


原帖由 grant 于 2009-3-4 17:29 发表 \"\"

which one? breaking the ice?
depends on who did things wrong...
please make the sentense longer, show your real feelings!.


回复 13#cocoyangyang 的帖子

when you're occupied, can your partner understand and take over your job ?
means if you're busy, can your partner help you?
by the way, you should be lying on the beach, why still show up here???.


回复 12#易萱妈 的帖子

after a quarrel, who will break the ice first?
We would start to talk for other things directly and It seems no quarrel happened before

this is a brilliant idea to keep the good relationship!!!

[ 本帖最后由 混凝土 于 2009-3-10 23:56 编辑 ].


回复 11#冰城来客 的帖子

do you often discuss about plans for family together?
Yes, we ofter discuss lot's of plans, but most of these plans changed later, just as what we say, changing is always faster then planning.

it doesn't matter how the plan changed after...the point is to discuss together, not just inform him/her..


回复 19#cocoyangyang 的帖子

men sometimes behave like kids, but it's also attractive, so don't complain....


回复 18#Emerald 的帖子

you're right...life is even harder this year, so enjoy every moment with your husband, and try to make him relax..


回复 22#cocoyangyang 的帖子

nice girl!.

