
how do you get along with your kids?

how do you get along with your kids?

I realized that lots of parents spent a few hours on WW everyday, but.......

how often do you usually talk to your kids?
at what time you prefer?
what's the topic? and who decide the topic usually?
can you always understand your kids?
will you share your history with them? even some embarrasing parts?
do you have body contact with your kids everyday? do they enjoy it?.


原帖由 三顺 于 2009-3-3 10:30 发表 \"\"
Sense and sensibility?

Actually i don't understand why "sense" means "理智" and "sensibility" means "情感".  In English, "sense" and "sensibility" seem to have similar derivation. But in Chine ...
the reason is Chinese have much longer and richer history.


回复 6#loveneverdies 的帖子

i'm sure your boy knew very well that you love him...but he never know how deep your love is.
to give is always happier than to take..


回复 7#merry77 的帖子

don't be fully occupied by your kid, try to save some time for yourself and your other family members, and too much attention will make the kids spoiled and dependent....


回复 3#三顺 的帖子

that's fun! go on to find out more interestiing things to share with your kids..


原帖由 双鱼 于 2009-3-2 20:16 发表 \"\"
it must be a comfortable sofa, hope you slept well last night.


回复 4#cocoyangyang 的帖子

please....at least say something....


回复 17#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

sounds fantastic!.


回复 23#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

i regarded my daughter as a life long partner since she was born, so we talked everyday - on the way to school in the moring, on table, and the cherish moment is before sleep .

We shared our feelings about everything, that made us so close and be easy understood. It's so interesting to see child's point of view and so lovely to have their trust...both of us felt like companions, not fighting alone.

Parents always require the kids to listen to them, but i do suggest the parents to listen to their kids!!! and don't be shy to tell them how you thought at the same age, you may probably find the life now you're living is not the right direction...

The most powerful thing among the relationship is body contact, kiss and hug will make both of us feel secured and close. Don't give up even sometimes the kids hide away....


回复 24#cocoyangyang 的帖子

hehe, i thought it was WW....


回复 27#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

well, you're right, i'm a single mother.


回复 29#cocoyangyang 的帖子

oh, the table looked really heavy, are you ok?.


回复 32#PUPPET 的帖子

Sounds you're a typical chinese father, and tried hard to be accompany with your son.

The conflict between father and son is "understanding", because the father loves to set the target and try to guide his son the right way, always looks at his son with bird's eye view...

Well, it's not a big deal to be refused or against by your son, he is an independent person, he needs a father as a teacher also a friend, try to exchange your position, give him a bigger tolerance and make him love this world as you did..


good to hear that your son realized this is not a perfect world, he started to think deeper and analyze the situations, you should be proud of him!.


回复 35#夏日的庭院 的帖子

how lucky you are!
i can smell the happiness from your simple words, see, when there is love, everything looks beautiful!.


回复 44#tomsmun 的帖子

sounds you don't have much sense of humour as your husband...but never mind, your son knows you love him.

try to purify and simplify your mind while communicating with kids, listen but don't think too much, enjoy the warm and friendly feelings..


回复 43#cyls 的帖子

time is not an issue, as well as you pay attention to him and interact with each other, the communication will be smooth and pleasant, make him feel safe and respected as a member of the family..


回复 42#辛勤的妈妈 的帖子

you did a great job! he trust you...that's why wanna share everything with you....
normally boys didn't talk that much since they want to stay cool.


回复 41#一缕阳光08 的帖子

"To be frank, I don't understand my kids even they are still a such little one but I try to understand and accept their strange thinking.  It is a life-time tough job and brings me joy and pain at the same time."

well...try to change your mind...it's not a tough job but a important role as parents, it's NOT us to decide how our children should grow and what to be, we're just gas stations, without gas and maitenance, cars can't move..


原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-3-3 16:58 发表 \"\"

Thank you for your good suggestion.

I hope we could reducing conflicts between father and son in the future, and help him to solve problems of his growing pains. My aim is to be a qualified fat ...
there is no certification for parents(or kids), because we'll never graduate from our roles, open-minded parents will raise happy kids, happyness gives us a quality life..


回复 51#PUPPET 的帖子

see 28th floor.


回复 49#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

thanks for your kind words!

i'm strong because of the supports from all my family and friends, i do believe nice things always go to positive people..


原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-3-4 13:17 发表 \"\"

Uh-oh, I am sorry.

You are a good mother.
don't be sorry, it's not your fault.


回复 56#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

it's so warm to have your encouragement!.


very complex good night kisses...

i'm curious how complex it was......


回复 60#cyls 的帖子

as lots of parents, you love your son very much,  try to protect him from negative things, meantime, you want to push him to be independent, i think your son is more confused than you...

your husband is right - too much attention will make you too stress, give him bigger tolerance time after time. and parents should have their own lives and hobbies, not only around the kids as satellites.

If parents live a healthy life style, no need to worry too much about the kids..


原帖由 grant 于 2009-3-5 09:34 发表 \"\"

Well... lots of kisses. They can spend minutes on it.
YEAH! that's the way moms express their love~~~we have a 'hug hug kiss kiss' time everyday, too.


回复 72#扬扬妈妈 的帖子

outgoing personality is more welcome by others, don't worry, he could be a good salesman in future, and you know...most bosses are good salesmen....

