
Is compatibility of families on both side important to a happy marriage?

Similar background is definitely helpful for a successful marriage. It means your communication and daily behaviour are based on similar culture and mindset which will avoid lots of gaps and misunderstanding.

There is alway exceptions, of course, but if the couples are from similar family, their chances of running a harmonious family will be higher..


原帖由 nice妈妈 于 2009-4-16 14:25 发表 \"\"
But people from similar family background might be different as well, I mean even if they are from same social pecking order, and they possess similar wealth, but they might be mentally different. it is not unusual, some well-round family are mean and snobbish.
Therefore, for me, the compatability are more from spirit level rather than material level.
Yes, you are right. As a matter of factor, no body is exactly the same and there is no single factor that might gurantee a happy marrige. Life is full of surprises and it alway a promble how to survive the changes. Above of the things, love and understanding is alway top in the list that can help us through..

