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再换个话题,推荐一些适合孩子唱的圣诞歌,歌词。唱歌和记歌词是很好的学习外语的途径,也比较有娱乐性。听力,语感都会进步。具体方法是放孩子感兴趣的歌,听了后用笔将歌词自己写下来。或者模仿唱以后再写下来。在家随时可做。1. You'd better watch out, you'd better not cry,Better not pout, I'm tellin' you whySanta Claus is comin' to townHe's making a list and checking it twice,Gonna find out who's naughty or niceSanta Claus is comin' to town.He sees you when you're sleeping,He knows when you're awake,He know ...
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我们的英语教学很重视语法,很多孩子语法学得很好。语法和阅读是联动的,看下面的语法考试题就知道了。The car stopped. A strange person alighted. A baby cried. The wind sighed. A wolf howled. Have you noticed how each of the sentences ended? Yes - with a verb.Complete the following sentences with just one verb.1.With a hiss the train finally arrived2.In spring many flowers bloom3.The dying bird's wings flapped4.The temperature began to change5.You will have to waitNow write sentences whic ...
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宗教与信仰 | 2008-9-27
神爱世人这位神,就是《圣经》里所说的耶和华神,他是自有永有的神,他是创造万物的神,他是全智全能的神,是满有慈爱的神,也是公义的神。主耶稣是他的独生子,因为他与神原为一,就是圣父,圣子,圣灵三合一的神,不是三位神,乃是一位神,除他以外,宇宙中再没有别的真神,圣子降临到世上,就是主耶稣。[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2008-9-27 20:46 编辑 ].
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最近写贴老是半途而废,中学版的英语写作还没有完成,又想开个新的头。希望这个不是虎头蛇尾。因为觉得对小学的孩子有帮助,所以发在这里供大家参考。As parents you are your child's most influential teacher with an important part to play in helping your child learn to read.Below are some suggestions on how you can help to make this a positive experince.[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2008-9-10 16:06 编辑 ].
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关于英语写作的学习,我研究了下,可以和大家交流。过程大致如下:[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-5-23 11:57 编辑 ].
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旅游热线 | 2008-7-19
看了大家发的日本贴,也想来贴几张照片。日本去过N次,去年的照片就不发了。今年我们是下周去,如果照片好的话,等我回来发。应该和大家玩的地方不一样。我们全家以休闲购物美食为主。[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2010-8-10 15:07 编辑 ].
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很多妈妈问我同样的问题,而且问题范围比较大。我很难一一作答。因为如果我要回答的话,其中也有不少专业知识,也就是说英语好也不一定懂得如何教的问题。但是有一点就是,我觉得英语可以的家长至少能在家听孩子阅读,做个好的听众,时不时地鼓励孩子。同时,要有恒心保证每天有15分钟以上的纯英语阅读时间,那进步一定能看到。1. Phonics绝对是起步点,可以挑选好的培训机构学习,同时配合最简单的Phonics读物在家巩固。巩固Phonics的读物我暂时不能介绍,因为我女儿已长大,我也有点忘了她当时读的书了。现在应该外面都有买的。2.不一定要学Phonics的 ...
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我:We are gonna learn PLAYSCRIPT today. Please read this on your own and to see if you can work out what is PLAYSCRIPT.看资料NarratorJohn is walking down a street when he hears something go KLONK. He looks down and sees a round iron cover, with ACE RAGON LTD written on it. He stamps on it and hears a voice from underground.Ace: (Grumpily) who is it?John: I want to know what Ltd means.Ace: It means I can't do everything. I can only do some things.John: What can you do?Ace: I can make fi ...
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情感生活 | 2007-10-27
近一个月来连着听到一个亲戚一个客户生病,一个是癌一个心脏病。[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2008-3-13 23:29 编辑 ].
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On her breakfast tray, Aunt Lily had a little vase of flowers--a mixture of primroses and celandines. She counted up the petals and found there were 39. "Oh, how lovely!" she said, "exactly my age; and the total number of flowers is exactly your age, Rose!"How old is Rose?Primroses have five petals on each flower.Celandines have eight petals on each flower..
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例句:My mum is always as busy as a bee. She is like a whirlwind!Complete these similes.as cool as a.................as bold as................like a horse to....................like a bull at a.................as flat as a.................as steady as a......................like a bull in a.................as safe as..................可供填写的单词:gate, water, cucumber, rock, pancake, brass, houses, china shop明天等我家宝宝做好了来告诉答案。. ...
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Read this poem and then answer the questions.The JewelAs I watch her glide over her forestAnd hang over the trees,Her body twinkles and shimmers in the sunAs they do in dreams.Hovering and shining, floating, climbingAnd gliding through the crystal rainbow of the water,I watch my goldfish,A tiny jewelled spark of life.Laura (age 10)1. What is meant by the words forest and trees?...............................2. When did you r ...
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今天是随便谈谈。话题非常女孩气,有关Ballet我:You like ballet, don't you? How does a ballerina look like?女儿:Oh, yes, I love it. A ballerina's hair is always pulled back andpinned neatly. She has beautiful dancing dress.我:Yes. How about her arms and legs?女儿:Arms should be gently rounded. Hands and arms look relaxable. Legs should be really straight. Sometimes toes might be bleeding after dancing.我:Oh, this must be painful. Any well-known ballets do you know and what are they?女儿:Lots. The S ...
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今天我们要学名词,形容词的同义词。我:What's a noun?女儿:Noun is a thing.我:You are very close. Noun is a name, a thing or a place. What's an adjective?女儿:Adjective is a describing word.我:Fantastic. We are going to learn synonym today. A pair of synonyms discribe similar thing. For example, if I say "sea", what's the other word for "sea"?女儿:Ocean.我:Right. How about "forest" and "hill"?女儿:Er...Jungle, mountain.我:Look at these words, they are nouns. Try to write their synonym.我写了stream, m ...
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旅游热线 | 2007-7-18
阳光,沙滩,Fantasea,酒吧,泰国菜,一切应有尽有,休闲假期。清晨,酒店阳台上望海。。。我们入住的度假酒店建在悬崖峭壁上,宁静无比,间间面海。一阵急雨,如同身处热带雨林。两个泳池也对着美丽的安达曼海。酒店的占地面积之大令人咋舌,伸向远处的Jetty居然也属于酒店。处处美景。餐厅之一。早餐时的热带水果,女儿的最爱。大烤虾,美味无敌。漂亮的泰式头花。边晚餐边欣赏天边的晚霞。Fantasea的剧场。[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2007-7-19 14:34 编辑 ]. ...
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在旺网上得到了好多及时的信息,非常感谢各位热心的BBMM,与大家分享一些很好的国外英语网站(适合小学生),希望能有帮助。:)1. The Little Animal Activity Centre. Numbers and word games:www.bbc.co.uk/schools/laac/menu.shtml2. BBC words and Pictures. CVC words, vowel sounds etcwww.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/index.shtml3. Storybook Web The website provides fun, interactive activities based around key curriculum themes.www.itscotland.org.uk/storybook/teachers_notes.htm4. BBC TikkabillaStories, ga ...
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GREAT BOOKS TO READ ALOUD!0-5 yearsBook TitleAuthorThe GruffaloJulia DonaldsonDear ZooRod CampbellPantsGiles Andreae and Nick SharrattWe're going on a Bear HuntMichael RosenOne Snowy NightNick ButterworthRosie's WalkPat HutchinsT ...
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